Privacy Policy

At Plate Depot, we collect personal information including, but not limited to, your name, mailing address and email address.  This information is used solely to process and ship your order to you.  It is never sold, given to or otherwise traded with third parties for any reason.  We retain paper copies of each order.

Any written correspondence that you may send to us is promptly destroyed after your order has shipped.

We do not collect any credit card or other financial information of any kind.  Credit card orders are processed via PayPal, and are not seen by us.  We will never email you asking for credit card or any other financial information.  If you ever receive an email from us requesting that information, please disregard as it is a spoof email.

All transactions are processed using 124-bit encryption to protect your information.

This document is in effect as of April 28, 2009, and may be amended at any time. 


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